The Dirty Dozen. The Unmentionables.
After the fall of Roe v Wade and the Dobb’s decision I was compelled to start making uterine armor. I started with some bloomers and chemise found in a thrift store in France. I researched the history of bloomers and the suffrage movement and the bifurcation of skirts which lead to greater freedom for women. Then I learned how to pattern and hand stitch bloomers. Then I repeated the process machine sewing and using left over shirt meat from dismantling the patriarchy. It’s for our daughters and granddaughters and nieces and friends. The government simply cannot be allowed to exercise eminent domain over women’s bodies. We must be battle ready.
My Body. My Choice. Uterine Armor 1
vintage french chemise + hand formed metal uterus
permanent collection Chateau Orquevaux, Orquevaux France
With Girded Loins. Uterine Armor 2
hand stitched bloomers + hand formed metal uterus
Fit To Be Tied. Uterine Armor 3
hand made (machine stitched) bloomers + hand formed metal uterus
Business Casual. Uterine Armor 4
repurposed menswear/leftover shirt meat patchworked and made into bloomers + embroidered uterus
My Body My Business/Private Practice/Suit of Armor. Uterine Armor 6
bloomers constructed from patchwork patriarchal residue (shirt meat + collars + cuffs) + embroidered uterus
Exoskeleton/Protective Shell. Uterine Armor 5
woven wire bloomers + woven wire uterus
Enemies At The Gate/My Body Is A Sovereign Nation. Uterine Armor 7
vintage french bloomers + street sweeper bristles + rust + handmade uterus
Armed To The Teeth/Looks Can Be Deceiving. Uterine Armor 8
vintage french bloomers + embellishments + hand formed metal uterus
radically redistributed
Laid Bare/In the Midst of the Modern Panopticon. Uterine Armor 9
dissolving bloomers + repurposed menswear + hand formed metal uterus
As My Rights Are Washed Away/ My Body Is A Sovereign Nation. Uterine Armor 10
repurposed menswear + hand formed uterus + dissolving stars representing the states that are washing away my reproductive rights.
Tactical Survival/Prophylaxis. Uterine Armor 11
camouflage bloomers + hand formed uterus + tactical tool belt with $$, drinks tests, rape whistle, defense spray, spermicide, condoms, vintage self defense manual, plan B emergency contraception
Lady Liberty. Uterine Armor 12
vintage French chemise + visible mending + European cutwork embroidery + hand formed metal uterus + nipple covers
Uterine Armor for dollls
vintage doll bloomers with hand stitched and handform uterus
Shame On You/Soft Armor
embroidered vintage bloomers (feat Donald Trump’s infamous pussy transcript)
permanent collection Tiny Pricks Project
© 2019 Winnie van der Rijn